Who is behind Dragon Pulp Games?
Hi, I’m Marc. I’m the creator and author of Dieseldrachen, and I publish my role-playing games and stories under the name Dragon Pulp Games.
I sold my role-playing game Dieseldrachen to Ulisses Spiele in 2021. Since then, a lot has changed, and Dieseldrachen returned to me in 2023.
Now, I’m taking the leap into becoming a real publisher and will soon release Dieseldrachen in its Second Edition, now also as a print product!
Who are you and what are you doing?
Hi! I’m Marc. “Dragon Pulp Games” is the name of my personal publishing venture. Of course, “publisher” might be a bit of an exaggeration—essentially, it's just me behind Dragon Pulp Games. It’s a nice name I use to make things look a bit more professional. I’m the creator and developer of “Dieseldrachen,” my pulp-fantasy adventure role-playing game, which I’m now self-publishing.
When is the English version coming?
My plan is to do the English version right. I would like to have enough content so the English version is starting at a good spot. I would at least like to wait until I have published the German Beginner's Box before I start translating. I would also like to try out if it works as a Crowdfunding campaign, but I have to do some reading into that. However, if you can't wait for content, join my Patreon and vote on the matter. Patron's decide what's next!
Where can I find updates?
First and foremost on Patreon! There, you’ll get behind-the-scenes content and can vote on what I should work on next. You can also follow me on Instagram or sign up for the newsletter!
Where can I find the PDFs?
You can find the PDFs of Dieseldrachen on DriveThruRPG.com
I have another question—how can I contact you?
The best way is to join our Discord or send me an email at kontakt@dragonpulpgames.com